Find out more about the clinics and services available at our surgeries:
New Patient and Well-Patient Checks
All new patients are expected to attend a new patient check at their earliest convenience as part of the registration process and to ensure continuity in their healthcare. You will not usually be accepted as a patient of ours without completing this formality.
Existing patients are encouraged to have a check-up at least once every three years and if you have any Long Term Conditions you will probably be invited annually to a LTC review, usually around your birthday month.
These checks will usually include your height, weight, and blood pressure alongside a blood and urine test (as appropriate). We also look at your diet and activity level, smoking, and alcohol status (and offer support if required). This helps us to identify areas of concern, ensure your health is optimised, and assess your risk of future health problems such as cancer or heart and lung disease.
Antenatal Care (Mother and Baby)
Opportunity for general advice, post-natal assessment, and weight checking. Vaccinations for all children up to age 5. Child health and development clinics in conjunction with the Health Visitor at each surgery site.
Routine vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses. We also run a flu vaccination clinic in late Autumn. Ask reception for further information.
The practice offers regular check-ups and advice from practice nurses on lifestyle, inhaler techniques, and medication.
Please click here to complete the asthma review questionnaire before your annual appointment.
Minor Operations
We perform minor surgery in our treatment rooms at intervals at our surgery sites. Typical procedures include joint injections for pain or mechanical dysfunction and also the removal of minor “lumps and bumps” that are causing functional problems (i.e. not for solely cosmetic reasons).
Please make an appointment to see the doctor first and they can advise you if you may benefit from this service.
Cytology (Smears)
We recommend that every sexually active woman between 25 and 64 years of age has a regular smear test. As per the NHS screening programme, we routinely do this every 3 years and you will be invited at the appropriate time to book an appointment. If you are not sure if you are due, please ask. If it is due, please book an appropriate appointment as it is a really important step in keeping you healthy.
We offer advice to both men and women on all aspects of family planning. This is available during normal surgery hours with either the GP, ANP, or Practice Nurse. The Practice also provides a fitting service for IUCD (Contraceptive coils) and Implants (e.g. Nexplanon) at all 3 surgeries.
Alternatively, contact Sexual Health Sheffield for assistance with all aspects of sexual health- screening/ contraception, etc.
If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Please make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss the vaccinations you may need, which will depend on where you are travelling. We can provide basic immunisations. (e.g. Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Polio). The advice is free, together with certain travel vaccinations available on the NHS. However, for certain overseas destinations, it may be recommended that you have additional vaccinations not available on the NHS. (e.g.rabies, malaria, etc) and may have a cost implication. We are unable to provide and administer these complex vaccinations and recommend that you consult a specialist travel vaccine provider.
Staying safe and healthy abroad.